Family Engagement Plans
- Family Engagement Plan (English) - Family Engagement Plan- English.pdf (1.1 MBs)
- Family Engagement Plan (Spanish) - Family Engagement Plan- Spanish.pdf (1.1 MBs)
Parent/Student/School Compact
- The Parent-School Compact is an important document that outlines our dedication to work as a team to ensure a child's success. The Compact is a living document that is revised throughout the year. Parent input is vital as we work to create an agreement that outlines how all stakeholders will work together to support the child. Compacts will be signed at the first parent conference and referred to throughout the year. Together, we will create a learning environment that puts students first!
- El Pacto entre padres y escuela es un documento importante que describe nuestra dedicación a trabajar en equipo para asegurar el éxito de un niño. El Pacto es un documento vivo que se revisa durante todo el año. La opinión de los padres es vital mientras trabajamos para crear un acuerdo que describa cómo todos los interesados ??trabajarán juntos para apoyar al niño. Los pactos se firmarán en la primera conferencia de padres y se consultarán durante el año. ¡Juntos crearemos un ambiente de aprendizaje que ponga a los estudiantes en primer lugar!
Right to Know Letters
- Right to Know- English.pdf (37.4 KBs)
- Right to Know-Spanish.pdf (45.7 KBs)
Out Of Field Letters
In accordance with Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)[PL 114-95, Section 112(e)(1)(B)(ii)], requires that parents be notified if their child is assigned a teacher for four or more consecutive weeks who does not hold an appropriate state teaching certificate in the area in which the teacher has been assigned.
Although the District makes every effort to hire teachers that meet these requirements, we would like to inform you that the teachers listed below have not met all the state certification or licensure requirements for Elementary Education. Central Elementary School is currently working to meet this requirement, and the School District of Okeechobee County has full confidence in their ability to teach your child.
In addition, Central Elementary School is providing ongoing assistance to support student achievement in your child’s school.
- October Letters - 4 week letter (2).pdf (3.1 MBs)
- February Letters - 20220214132047055.pdf (3.3 MBs)